Welding School Reviews! – Best Welding Schools and Training Centers!
Last Updated/Verified: Mar 11, 2025
What is a Exclusive Member of “The GoWelding.Org Network™"?
If you found this page through a school partner site then that means the school you are interested in attending has the highest standards of training. The schools displaying "The GoWelding.Org Network" Badge all meet the following criteria:
- They must teach all the major welding processes used in today's job market like Stick, MIG, and TIG welding.
- All position welding must be taught.
- Pipe welding must be available.
- Blueprint reading.
- Fitter math.
- Some schools are chosen for the speciality training such as underwater welding or inspection certifications.
- Finally, most schools offer Welding Certifications (not necessary but nice to have)
These are the types of skills employers are looking for and that is exactly why we only allow schools that have this level of training into The GoWelding.Org Network!
This is the list of schools that I personally recommend!
Welding Schools and Colleges
John Lopez Welding School – Bakersfield, California