Welder Staffing Companies and Job Sites

Last Updated/Verified: Jan 18, 2025

Welder Staffing Companies and Job Sites for High Paying Road Warrior Jobs

This is a list of places to get jobs for welders and fitters who travel. Travel is the key word when it comes to these types of jobs. In many cases you will need to relocate in as little as 24 hours. That mean you might need to drive over 1000 miles and be ready to test the next morning. Before applying for any of these jobs make sure your car is ready and your bags are packed. You will also need to have enough money for three weeks of living expenses in a hotel! On the upside there could be a lot of overtime as in 84 hour work weeks and on some jobs you can earn you more than $150k a year!

These positions are mostly for First Class crafts people Only. For pipe welders you will likely need to pass a restricted 6G x-ray test and for structural welders a 2, 3, and 4G plate test. Fitter tests range from a five minutes interview to a math exam followed by a hands-on fitting test. If you go out to a job site and get second class on your test you will be sent home. Staffing companies pay a large premium for skilled personal so you are expected to be the best. Some other requirements are drug testing (including hair follicle), alcohol screening, federal background checks (some as strict as no speeding tickets), and some companies need security clearance. For other jobs they may require a TWIC Card and NCCER training so if you have them it is a Major Plus! Finally you will need your own PPE (personal protection equipment) and that just means your own safety equipment like a hard hat, safety glasses and so on.

Welder Staffing and Job Board List

Advanced Resource Solutions is a staffing company. You can fax your resume to 1-520-615-7692 or call 1-800-314-9346.

Ameri-Force mainly focuses on shipbuilding jobs and is owned by Man Power.Com. Ameri-Force is always busy and if you need a job they most like have one! You can contact a recruiter by email at [email protected] or call 1-888-269-3381 to get an instant phone interview.

Aerotek is one of the biggest staffing services out there. You can visit their website to find jobs or call 1-888-237-6835 to speak to a recruiter.

Caliper, Inc is a general recruiting company serving a variety of industries. You can contact them by email at [email protected] or call 1-800-476-1306 to speak to a staffing agent.

CTR Group serves industrial construction and maritime trades. To contact them visit their website and search for jobs. Once you find a job you are interested in call or email the person listed.

HKA Enterprises, Inc is a staffing company. You can submit your resume to [email protected] or call 1-800-825-5452 to speak to a recruiter.

Industrial Tradesman Magazine is a fee based online job publication. They have jobs from industrial shut downs to shipyards. I don’t know much about them but I have met people that get all of their jobs from this site.

Koger Industrial Staffing is a staffing company located in Alabama. You can visit their site or submit your resume to [email protected]. If you have questions call 1-866-488-0557

MK Industries staffs all kinds of welding and fitting jobs. Their main focus is the defense industries and shipyards. The pay rate is on the higher end of these jobs. You can contact a recruiter by email at [email protected] or call 1-800-573-6269 to speak to a recruiter.

PDS Maritime Services mainly focuses on military shipbuilding jobs and has some of the highest pay rates in the industry! You can contact George Premo the operations manager by email at [email protected] or call him on his direct line 1-504-361-8070. George has been a shipfitter for over thirty years so you are working with someone who been there and done that. I have personally worked for PDS Maritime and they are first class all the way!

Road Techs is not a staffing company but an online job board worth mentioning. They have a variety of high paying job postings in shipyards, nuclear power plants, industrial shut downs and overseas jobs. It’s worth checking out and it’s free!

The Industrial Projects Report is not a staffing company. This is an online and in print magazine that is filled with welding and fitting jobs. They cover industrial shut downs, shipyards, nuclear power plants and staffing companies in the United States and in some cases world wide. It is a fee based magazine but also has a free chat room that some times has some good job postings. To order you can visit their website or call 1-800-849-4821.

Tradesman International is not a staffing company. What Tradesman does is provide a traveling work force to companies that have a labor shortage. Tradesman has jobs ranging from industrial shut downs to shipyards. They even have overseas jobs that can pay extremely well. You can call 1-877-672-8444 to get more info.

Work At Skilled Trades.Com staffs industrial and energy project personnel. To apply visit their website or call 1-877-232-2879 with your questions

World Wide Labor Support, Inc is a staffing company that serves shipyards and industrial construction companies. You can send your resume through their website or call 1-800-748-1395.