Texas Welding Schools

Last Updated/Verified: Feb 17, 2025

Schools for Welding in Texas Offering Classes, Certifications, and College Degrees

Amarillo College Welding Technology
P.O. Box 447 Amarillo Texas 79178
Phone: (806) 371-5000
Accredited with pipe welding, blueprint reading and welder certifications.

Angelina College Welding Technology
3500 South First Street, Lufkin, Texas 75904
Phone: (936) 639-1301
Accredited with pipe welding, blueprint reading and welder certifications.

ATI Career Training Center Welding
1417 S Valley Mills Drive, Waco, TX 76711
Phone: (888) 209-8264
Accredited with pipe welding and blue print reading classes plus welding certifications.

Austin Community College Welding Technology
Riverside Campus
1020 Grove Blvd. Building C Austin, TX 78741
Phone: (512) 223-6220
Round Rock Campus
4400 College Park Dr. Building 5000 Austin, TX 78665
Phone: 512.223.6220
Accredited with pipe welding and blue print reading classes plus welding certifications

Eastfield College Welding Technology
3737 Motley Drive Mesquite, TX 75150
Phone: (972) 860-7100

El Centro College Welding Technology
1402 Corinth Street, Dallas, TX 75215
Phone: (214) 860-5900
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

El Paso County Community College Welding Program
919 Hunter El Paso, TX 79915
Phone: (915) 831-2350
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Frank Phillips College
P.O. Box 5118 • Borger, TX 79008
Phone: (806) 457-4200
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Gary Jobs Corp Center
2800 Airport Highway 21 San Marcos, TX 78667
Phone: (512) 396-6652
No information.

Grayson County College
6101 Grayson Drive (Hwy. 691) Denison, Texas 75020
Phone: (903) 465-6030
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Hill College Welding Department
112 Lamar Hillsboro Texas 76645
Phone: (254) 659-7500
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Kilgore College Welding Program
1100 Broadway, Kilgore, Texas 75662
Phone1: (903) 983-8162
Phone2: (903) 988-7459
Phone3: (903) 983-8637
Accredited with pipe welding and blue print reading classes plus welding certifications.
The welding program at Kilgore College offers a a basic certificate and an advanced certificate. You can also earn an Associate's Degree in Welding at KC. The traditional welding certificate offers a basic and advanced certificate. The basic consists of four courses and 16 hours of course work while the advanced is nine courses and 34 hours. An associate's degree can be obtained in 64 semester hours. For more information, contact welding instructor, Cody Edwards, at 903-983-8162

Lincoln Group of Schools – Welding
2915 Alouette Drive • Grand Prairie, TX 75052
Phone: (972) 660-5701
Not accredited with pipe welding and blue print reading classes plus welding certifications.

Lone Star College System Welding Technology
CyFair Campus
9191 Barker Cypress Cypress, Texas 77433
Phone: (281) 290-3200
Montgomery Campus
3200 College Park Drive Conrow Texas 77384
Phone: (936) 273-7000
North Harris Campus
2700 W.W. Thorne Drive Houston Texas 77073
Phone: (281 618-5400
Accredited with pipe welding and blue print reading classes plus welding certifications.

Laredo Community College
Fort McIntosh Campus
West End Washington Street Laredo, TX 78040
Phone: (956) 722-0521
Accredited with no other services.

Laredo Jobs Corp
1701 Island Street Laredo, TX 78041
Phone: (956) 727-5147
No Information.

Lee College
P.O. Box 818 Baytown, TX 77522
Phone: (218) 425-6260
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Mountain View College Welding
4849 W. Illinois Avenue Dallas, TX 75211
Phone: (214) 860-8767
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading

Odessa College Welding
201 W. University Odessa, TX 79764
Phone: (432) 335-6306
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Ponola College Welding Technology
1109 W. Panola Carthage, Texas 75633
Phone: (903) 693-2000
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Ranger College Welding Program
1100 College Circle, Ranger TX 76470
Phone: (254) 647-5436
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

San Jacinto College Welding Technology
Centeral Campus
8060 Spencer Hwy. Pasadena, TX 77505
Phone: (281) 476-1814
North Campus
5800 Uvalde Rd. Houston, TX 77049
Phone: (281) 459-7178
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

South Plains College Welding Technology
1401 S. College Ave., Levelland, TX, 79336
Phone: (806) 716-2284
Accredited with pipe welding, blueprint reading and welding certifications.

Tarrant County College Welding Technology
1500 Houston Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102
Phone: (817) 515-4529
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Texarkana College Welding Program
2500 N. Robison Road, Texarkana, Texas 75599
Phone: (903)832-5565
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Texas State Technical College Welding Technology Program
1902 North Loop 499 Harlingen, Texas 78550
Phone: (956) 364-4814
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Trinity Valley Community College Welding Program
100 Cardinal Drive Athens, TX 75751
Phone: (903) 675-6374
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Tulsa Welding School Houston
243 Greens Rd. Houston, TX 77060
Phone: (888) 765-5555
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Tyler Jonior College Welding Program
P.O. Box 9020 Tyler, Texas 75711
Phone1: (903) 510-2390
Phone2: (903) 510-3754
Accredited with pipe welding, blueprint reading and welding certifications.

Vernon College
4400 College Drive, Vernon, TX 76384
Phone: (940) 552-6291
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Western Technical College Advanced Welding
9624 Plaza Circle, El Paso, TX 79927
Phone: (888) 201-9232
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Western Texas College Welding Programs
6200 College Ave Snyder TX 79549
Phone: (325) 573-9321
Accredited with pipe welding and blueprint reading.