Wisconsin Welding Schools

Last Updated/Verified: Feb 11, 2025

Schools for Welding in Wisconsin Offering Classes, Certifications, and College Degrees

Blackhawk Technical College Welding Department
6004 S CTY RD G Janesville, WI 53547
Phone: (608) 743-4463
Accredited and blueprint reading.

Chippewa Valley Technical College Welding Technology
620 W Clairemont Ave Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: (715) 833-6200
Accredited, pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Fox Valley Technical College
Appleton Campus
1825 N. Bluemound Drive Appleton, WI 5491
Phone: (920) 735-4898
Oshkosh Campus
150 N. Campbell Road Oshkosh, WI 5490
Phone: (920) 232-6049
Accredited, pipe welding, blueprint reading and welder certifications.
This school has many welding and metal working programs to choose from. It is worth taking a look at what is offered there.

Gateway Technical College Welding Boot Camp
1001 S. Main Street Racine WI 53403
Phone: (262) 564-3004
Accredited and blueprint reading.

LakeShore Technical College Welding Program
1290 North Avenue, Cleveland, WI 53015
Phone: (920) 693-1000
Accredited, pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Madison Area Technical College Welding Programs
3550 Anderson Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53704
Phone: (608) 246-6102
Accredited, pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Mid-State Technical College Welding Program
500 32nd Street North Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
Phone: (888) 575-6782
Accredited and blueprint reading.

Milwaukee Aera Technical College Welding Technology
Downtown Milwaukee Campus
700 W. State Street, Milwaukee WI. 53233
Phone: (414) 297-6282
West Allis Campus
1200 South 71st Street West Allis, WI 53214
Phone: (414) 456-5310
Accredited, pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Moraine Park Technical College Welding Programs and Courses
235 North National Avenue Fond du Lac, WI 54936
Phone1: (920) 887-4490
Phone2: (920) 924-3433
Accredited, pipe welding, blueprint reading and welder certifications.

Nicolet Area Technical College
5364 College Drive, Rhinelander, WI 54501
Phone: (715) 365-4410
Accredited and blueprint reading.

Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Welding Technology
Green Bay Campus
2740 West Mason Street, Green Bay, WI 54307
Phone: (920) 498-5444
Marinette Campus
1601 University Drive, Marinette, WI 54143
Phone: (715) 735-9361
Accredited, pipe welding, blueprint reading and welder certifications.

Northcentral Technical College Welding Program
1000 W. Campus Drive Wausau, WI 54401
Phone: (715) 675-3331
Accredited and blueprint reading.

Southwest Wisconsin Technical College Welding Technology
1800 Bronson Blvd., Fennimore, WI 53809
Phone: (608) 822-3262
Accredited and blueprint reading.

Waukesha County Technical College Metal Fabrication and Welding Program
800 Main St., Pewaukee, WI 53072
Phone: (262) 691-5566
Accredited and blueprint reading.

Western Technical College Welding Program
400 Seventh Street North La Crosse, WI 54601
Phone: (608) 785-9200
Accredited, pipe welding and blueprint reading.

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College Welding Technology
Rice Lake Campus
1900 College Drive Rice Lake, WI 54868
Phone: (800) 243-9482 Ext 5210
Superior Campus
600 North 21st Street Superior, WI 54880
Phone: (800) 243-9482 Ext 6326
New Richmond Campus
1019 S. Knowles Ave. New Richmond, WI 54017
Phone: (800) 243-9482 Ext 4355
Accredited, pipe welding, blueprint reading and welder certifications.