Contracts, Insurance, Taxes and Leases

Last Updated/Verified: Nov 22, 2023

Dealing with Legal Contracts, Insurance, Taxes and Leases

Here is a great piece of advice, if in doubt call your lawyer out. Don't pretend to know what is up or go along what everyone is saying. Business is a financial war, disguised as a friendly encounter. As for taxes, you must have an accountant. Reading books for this information is a waste of time and money. Laws and rules change quite frequently, and rapidly, so you need the right people to protect you. Your lawyer and accountant can advise you on all of these issues and in the worst case, refer you to the right person. In the business world legal mistakes can cost you your business. and future income.

Before you even get any work you will need to find a contract and the proper legal documentation to sign. Once you buy your contract software or book then this is a good chance to meet some local lawyers. Lawyers will be willing to give a free consultation as long as you tell them that you are a, new business owner and are in need of having a lawyer on hand for future issues. Another option is if you use a legal service like or they offer a yearly paid legal consultation services. You pay a yearly fee of about $100., and you have access to legal advice for the year. This service is good for what you are paying but it is nowhere as good as having a local lawyer on call. This is also a good time to meet an accountant and find out what you will need and how to set-up your document filing system. In the end just remember. When in doubt, call your lawyer out.

This book is available on Amazon for $34.99.